X-Men Marvel Masterworks Vol 6

Zac joins me to review the FINAL X-Men stories that precede the All New All Different, Uncanny X-Men! X-Men 54-66 introduces Cyclops’ brother Havok, Mutant Pterodactyl Sauron, Sunfire, and the artwork of Neal Adams! Find out why things needed to change to an All Different brand of storytelling!https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.orlandopodcast.net/MadeInTheTrade/XmenMIT6.mp3

Silver Surfer: Parable

In the movie, Crimson Tide, a fist fight breaks out on a nuclear submarine. The cause? Who drew the better Silver Surfer? Kirby or Moebius! Well, we don’t bring up that debate, but we do discuss fanaticism! If you’ve watched the news or read social media, you’ve seen irrational behavior. If you’ve ever seen orContinue reading “Silver Surfer: Parable”

Devastator-COVID Football and more!

Alex Berg in the studio discussing Combiner Wars Devastator, War For Cybertron on Netflix and how College Football conferences are handling the new COVID football environment. Plus, a new Supreme Court ruling on production companies and theatrical releases on this week’s Cluster Fudge!

Fantastic Four: Visionaries – John Byrne Volume 4

Kevin White in the studio reviewing his favorite Marvel Comics team featuring his favorite character. We celebrate the tongue in cheek adventures of Marvel’s First Family.  Beginning with Dr. Doom’s attempt to once again destroy the Fantastic Four via manipulation of the Power Cosmic. Reed Richards is tried for the RESCUE of someone.  Sue isContinue reading “Fantastic Four: Visionaries – John Byrne Volume 4”

Batman: City of Owls

Did you miss us? Made in the Trade returns after a 1 year hiatus! To celebrate we are doing a SEQUEL episode to the March 2015 podcast! Guest hosted by (once again) Billy McCoy! Batman fights against the same Court of Owls, only this time…a revelation about his immediate family! New takes on Mr. FreezeContinue reading “Batman: City of Owls”

Possible Comic Book to TV and 80’s flashbacks!

Allan and Carlos discuss possible comic book franchises to convert to television.  (00:30) WIlliam Shatner is a big Jem and the Holograms fan! (15:20) I watched the Jem trailer. No star earrings? Where are the misfits? 😢 — William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) May 13, 2015     Tina Turner is back in the studio! (23:15)

Fudging with 2015

Now with time marks! (00:25) Gotham, (3:22) MCU Spider-Man, (4:46) Interviews with Arnold and Adam West. (15:34) Mad Max, (21:00) Tina Turner’s take on Mad Max, (22:55) Ultron Interview, (26:30) Suicide Squad.     http://i.ytimg.com/vi/2-p9i7VjSug/maxresdefault.jpg

Cluster Fudge #1

Carlos Rivera and Allan discuss television and movies. Topics are the Star Wars trailer, problems with new star trek, the Flash, Civil War, Amazing Spider-man, Star Wars Rebels, Gotham: first four episodes, once upon a time, and Billy Elliot.

Transformers Regeneration One

Picking up where the Marvel storyline left off decades ago, Regeneration One is a fun revisit to old friends (and enemies.) Adam Bellas and Allan Forbes discuss their love of TF and the stories within.